Recommended Reading

Nurtured by Love

Shinichi Suzuki

Helping Parents Practice

 Ed Sprunger

To Learn with Love: A Companion for Suzuki Parents

 Constance and William Starr

Teaching from the Balance Point

 Ed Kreitman 

(this is great for parents as well as teachers)

A Suzuki Parents Diary, or How I Survived My First 10,000 Twinkles

Carroll Morris

Ability Development from Age Zero

Shinchi Suzuki

First Class Tips

published by the SAA 

Winning Ways 

published by the SAA 

How to Get Your Child To Practice...Without Resorting to Violence!!

Cynthia Richards

Music Practice Makeover: Strategies to Make Practice with your Music Student as Painless and Efficient as Possible

Christing Goodner

Positive Practice: 5 Steps to Help Your Child Develop a Love of Music

Christine Goodner

Beyond the Music Lesson: Habits of Successful Suzuki Families

Christine Goodner

The Talent Code: Greatness Isn't Born. It's Grown. Here's How.

Daniel Coyle